Saturday, July 2, 2011

Sewing a pair of snuggly socks

Well it is cold here even though its sunny. And Lisa over at Crafty Mammas  was making socks from the Jaile pattern (i don't have that ) but I did find this tutorial for sewing socks like Lisa was making. I looked at the shapes and thought I can do this so I had a go and they worked I really have to share this one as you will get a heap of use out of it and its soooo so easy to do in a few minutes.

Trace around selected foot then place it on 2 small stretchy pieces of fabric.  with the biggest stretch going across the foot.

Measure ankle. (15 cm here)

cut out around the foot shape leaving a very small seam allowance.

cut out 2 strips as long as you want  but the same width as half the ankle -1 cm
pin the heal in place see i am using the right needle and sew the heel to the bottom of a curved  strip  like in the Jalie  clip I used a wide flat lock here
Lift the needle and foot and pull out of the over locker there will be threads do not cut yet

chain off before you cut the threads or you will have to re thread again(learnt this the hard way!) you can see the threads in the top left  corner of this picture.

get the top strip and join with the oval on the bottom of the foot peice 

When you get to the heal flatten it out towards the toe end and keep overlocking
the top peice will be shorter than the bottom piece thes wa not sown in the clip but as i didn't have a pattern Its cool

I just chopped the extra long bit off. hen you can finish how evr you like i just left them rew as this is polar fleece and wont fray but good enough for around the house and in bed on the colds nights we get here. 
turn your socks and pull out the flat locking so they have no lumps and bumps

And we have socks that match our jammies  and they don't want to come off in a hurry.

I am putting this out there and I think it may need a review so if there are any questions please Ask questions and I will be happy to help with your sock making projects.

Friday, July 1, 2011

The rest of that orange Blanket

Remember that orange blanket its an epic tale isn't it but I made another winter coat out of it and 2 berets there really is not much left of it at all.

My friend Bronxbabe 's little one with her new coat
fully lined in pink satin with ginger bread men and little hearts.

my cheeky little beret monster I made 2 but we only need a pic of one :P
 not much left to keep of the blanket now.